About this site

Veritas Tabletop is a 3rd party publisher of homebrew content for tabletop roleplaying games. We are inspired by history, and believe that grounding roleplaying in history both makes our games better and gives us a richer understanding of the real world around us. Your subscription makes this site possible, and allows Veritas Tabletop to continue to exist. Thank you!

Find our products

Our products are sold through DMsGuild, DriveThruRPG, and Itch.io. Click the links to see our library on each site!

Please note that, due to licensing rules, items published on DMsGuild are exclusive to DMsGuild. Everything else is cross-listed between DriveThruRPG and Itch.io.

Find Me

Feel free to email me at veritastabletop@gmail.com.

You can also find Veritas Tabletop on Reddit, Twitter, and Mastodon/Dice.camp. Other social media links to come, potentially.

What does "Veritas" mean?

The theme of the blog, the homebrew I create, and the style of campaign I run, are all about how to use history to make more deep & complex RPGs. I went with the term “Veritas” to name my publication because 1) the term is Latin, which roots it in history, 2) the word means “truth” which also feels relevant to the idea of using history responsibly, and 3) it is the name of a program that specialized in adult and continuing education in my hometown at which my dad used to teach, so the word has extra connotations with history to me.